Humberstones Jewellers (UK)

Comments for sellers.

Humberstones Jewellers is a global extravagance watch shop merchant situated in the UK. They go for giving looks as well as extravagance watches at moderate rates. Humberstones Jewellers is famous for our unprecedented gathering of fine old fashioned, period and contemporary gems, timepieces, gold and flatware made by the best producers over the world. At our home, you discover things that are both collectible and a la mode, flawlessly custom fitted to mirror the idea of ageless plan that is ideal for each event. Humberstones Jewellers needs to be the store you go to when you're searching for perfect timepieces and adornments in Lancashire.

Comments for buyers.

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Customer Reviews and Reputation

Dolly Parton Mar 4, 2019 Email Verified

star star star star star
I've bought a couple of watches on here and everything has went smoothly with no hassle at all

Susan Sontag Feb 26, 2019 Email Verified

star star star star star
great service and excellent site, highly recommended.


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