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I.T.A. (ITA) Gagliardo Gagliardo Ref.23.00.02 quartz with inner and outer box/warranty card/instructions [popular] [beautiful item] 4302.

I.T.A. (ITA) Gagliardo Gagliardo Ref.23.00.02 quartz with inner and outer box/warranty card/instructions [popular] [beautiful item] 4302.


[Item Code] : TPP_DTC8E4LK

$ 218.44 USD
Purchase fee
$ 22.66 USD
Delivery Fee (Insurance Fee)
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Total Price
$ 241.10 USD (No Delivery Fee)

Prices fluctuate due to exchange rates.
Customs duties may apply.

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Item Details

brands I.T.A.
Drive system (watch) quartz
brands I.T.A.

If you want detailed product information, please click "Further product information request" to request detailed product information.

Item Info
メーカー:【I.T.A.】  商品名:Gagliardo 品番:23.00.02 ケースサイズ:ケース幅40mm / ケース厚14mm  リストサイズ:約20cm ムーブメント:QZ  機能:5気圧防水 素材:SS 付属品:内外箱・保証書・取説 参考定価:49,500円 管理番号:K202303134302 商品について: ITALIA TECNICA ARTIGIANA の頭文字から名付けられイタリアならではの高度な技術(テクニカ)と職人の心(アルテジャーナ)の融合したI.T.A.のメンズクォーツです。シンプルな印象ながらドーム型のガラスやバイカラーのストラップなど、こだわりが随所に光るレトロモダンなコレクションのガリアルド。バイカラーのカーフレザーベルトなど随所にこだわりがみられます。こちらの商品は未使用同等の状態ですので、目立ったキズや汚れ使用感はございませんので、お手元に届いてから安心してお使いいただけると思います。是非とも写真にてご確認ください。それは他に類を見ない独創的なデザイン。カジュアルさとハイセンスなデザインを両立させた、オンとオフを使い分ける本物を知り尽くした大人の為の新風ブランドのI.T.A.のメンズウォッチです。この機会に是非いかがでしょうか。当店お勧め商品です。  

*We can't export crocodile or alligator leather straps, because it is restricted by Washington Convention (CITES). We do not refund for these leather straps.
*We only sell original watches. However, the following conditions cannot be guaranteed.

  • If the dial has been replaced or refinishing has taken place.
  • Whether diamonds are manufacturer set or aftermarket.
  • All of the parts are original.


Total payment is the sum of the product price, sales commission, and shipping charges (including insurance).
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WISE accepts international bank transfers as domestic bank transfers. Japanese Yen is only accepted by WISE. Japanese Yen prices are automatically calculated at the time of purchase.

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Timepeaks is a luxury watch marketplace which allows buying luxury watches in a safe and secure way. Our experts verify each individual product thoroughly at our office before completing a transaction. We never sell fake watches. All watches are guaranteed to be 100% authentic.

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