Vintage-Oyster (스위스 )

시계 판매에 관한 코멘트

Vintage-Oyster is a watch shop in Switzerland. Area is Crans-Montana and simple access to shop. We work in vintage watches. A Vintage-Oyster offers a broad accumulation of restored, utilized and vintage Swiss looks as a part of great working condition for the watch gatherer. We represent considerable authority in mechanical programmed or manual wind watches, some by celebrated creators, for example, Rolex, and others by lesser known yet similarly fascinating producers of fine quality watches. We are a main Swiss online shop for quality preowned watches. We have many years of involvement in vintage watches - essentially in Rolex, Heuer and Omega. However we are not the slightest bit subsidiary to any watch brand. Visit our watch pages to see our fine timepieces.

시계 구입에 관한 코멘트

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-스팸 계속되는 똑같은 내용의 코멘트
-동시에 여러개의 리뷰 작성

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