Luigi Rosso S.r.l. (이탈리아 )

시계 판매에 관한 코멘트

Luigi Rosso S.r.l. is a watch shop in Italy. Degree is Casale Monferrato and direct access to shop. We have some predominance in vintage watches. Luigi Rosso offers a sweeping aggregate of restored, used and vintage Swiss looks as a touch of wonderful working condition for the watch gatherer. We have calm minded commitment in mechanical changed or manual wind watches, some by unmistakable originators what's more others by lesser known yet in like way intriguing inventors of fine quality watches. You can now start sifting for that stunning time piece to compliment your inclination of style and class from any interest criteria you can consider right here at Luigi Rosso visit our watch pages to see our fine timepieces.

시계 구입에 관한 코멘트

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-스팸 계속되는 똑같은 내용의 코멘트
-동시에 여러개의 리뷰 작성

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가입과 동시에 저희의 이용 약관 및 개인 정보 보호 정책에 동의하게 됩니다.

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  • 타임픽스는 유저의 허락 없이 무단으로 페이스북에 게시글을 업로드 하지 않습니다.