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Universal Geneve Gold Brown Compax 591100/02 COMPAX OH GP Leather Belt 263**** Universal Geneve Vintage Handwound Movable Chrono Logo Guaranteed Operation Confirmed Rare Antique Accessory Authenticated

Universal Geneve Gold Brown Compax 591100/02 COMPAX OH GP Leather Belt 263**** Universal Geneve Vintage Handwound Movable Chrono Logo Guaranteed Operation Confirmed Rare Antique Accessory Authenticated


[Item Code] : TPP20230215_TMRFAX

$ 1,784.61 USD
Purchase fee
$ 0.00 USD
Delivery Fee (Insurance Fee)
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Total Price
$ 1,784.61 USD (No Delivery Fee)

Prices fluctuate due to exchange rates.
Customs duties may apply.

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If you want detailed product information, please click "Further product information request" to request detailed product information.

Item Details

brands Universal Geneve
Target audience (gender/child) men
Material (watch strap) gold
Material (watch strap) cowhide
Dial shape round (round)
Dial color Silver
Belt color Braun
Display method multi-needle analog
Drive system (watch) Hand-wound
Functions (wristwatches, smartwatches) solar radio waves
Taste (watch) luxury
Taste (watch) business
Taste (watch) fashions
Taste (watch) casual
Producing country Switzerland
band width 14mm
Types of dials Chronograph
brands Universal Geneve

If you want detailed product information, please click "Further product information request" to request detailed product information.

Item Info
商品名:腕時計 ブランド名:ユニバーサル ジュネーブ / Universal Geneve 商品ランク:ABランク 素材:GP 革ベルト サイズ:(約) 風防直径:34.5mm ケース直径:38mm(リューズ除) 厚さ:12.5mm ベルト幅:14.8mm 腕周り(内周最大):18.5cm 総重量:54.9g 型番・品番:591100/02 シリアル・Ref:263**** カラー:ゴールド 茶色 コンパックス ムーブメント:手巻き Cal:178 付属品:OH明細書 詳細説明:R3年3月オーバーホール済み。ベルト社外、ケースや風防・裏蓋に傷、針に汚れ、文字盤に腐食・汚れ等、使用感はありますが、比較的綺麗なお品物になります。 コメント:ユニバーサルジュネーブの時計の特徴と言えばアンティーク感。上品さと美しさをまとったデザインが人気です。 保証・ご注意:時計の保証期間は商品到着日より 3ヶ月間とさせて頂きます。 使用した際の破損や水没したなどお客様都合による保証については、保証対象外となりますので、予めご了承下さい。 ※撮影時の環境によって、実物と写真で多少色合い等に違いがある場合がありますので、予めご了承下さい。※  商品番号:ec-11291 no.066001 

*We can't export crocodile or alligator leather straps, because it is restricted by Washington Convention (CITES). We do not refund for these leather straps.
*We only sell original watches. However, the following conditions cannot be guaranteed.

  • If the dial has been replaced or refinishing has taken place.
  • Whether diamonds are manufacturer set or aftermarket.
  • All of the parts are original.


Total payment is the sum of the product price, sales commission, and shipping charges (including insurance).
Depending on the country and product, you will probably have to pay additional customs fees, VAT, duties, etc.

We accept Paypal for payment. Paypal is an easy and fast method. Paypal accepts credit cards.
Bank Wire Transfer
International bank transfers to Japan are available for items over $800.
WISE accepts international bank transfers as domestic bank transfers. Japanese Yen is only accepted by WISE. Japanese Yen prices are automatically calculated at the time of purchase.

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Authenticity guarantee

Timepeaks is a luxury watch marketplace which allows buying luxury watches in a safe and secure way. Our experts verify each individual product thoroughly at our office before completing a transaction. We never sell fake watches. All watches are guaranteed to be 100% authentic.

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