Celebrity Style (Hong Kong)

Comments for sellers.

Celebrity Style is spotlight on offering vintage and new watches to their customers. Working in Hong Kong, offers extravagance watches at reasonable rates furthermore ships to any destination on the planet additionally offering after deals administrations, for example, establishment and support of acquired extravagance watches. Watches are a genuine energy of our own. We buy, offer and exchange all Luxury Brands and have customers and authorities overall permitting us to source and offer the finest watches and adornments. We are routinely depended upon as an expert and valuer of watches and adornments from around the globe and we can help impart our insight to you. Our preowned watches are methodically checked and restored if necessary. Sold in immaculate or almost flawless condition.

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Customer Reviews and Reputation

Aman Sep 18, 2018 Email Verified

star star star star star
This guy frankie and his company are cheaters , they take advance and run away , my money is stuck since 2 years


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